Fountains Foundation 916

What's Your Baby? Essay by Jessica Cochran by Miriam Schaer


Curator Jessica Cochran wrote a beautiful essay about my installation, What's Your Baby? at the Fountains Foundation 916. You can download a copy here.The exhibition will be up for a few more weeks

What's Your Baby?, is also an interactive blog about childlessness and women without children. Please share your baby with us!

What's Your Baby? at the Fountains Foundation 916 by Miriam Schaer

Mimi2_1 What's Your Baby? is on view at the Fountains Foundation 916, 916 S Wabash, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL, through the end of the summer. There is a box for those who wish to share 'their baby': their dreams and desires. For those not in Chicago, please submit your 'baby' here.

Photo: Leo Selvaggio